The latest issue of the Gate Pass Gazette, the official magazine of Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition, is in the midst of invention!
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Exemplars of the Academy 3: Practical Professionals
Many savants center their lives in pursuit of academic disciplines which, to the uninitiated, seem too abstract and esoteric to be of any real use. The two savant archetypes presented in this article, however, are above such suspicions. The fruits of their studies are immediately apparent even to those with no regard for the intellectual life, for their accomplishments are found not just in books, but in flesh and stone. By Clarke Peterson.
Cultural Gear: Higher Callings
Cultural gear as a concept was first introduced in the Dungeon Delver’s Guide, and it encompasses various equipment that the given culture has developed to suit its unique needs and circumstances. This particular selection covers gear particular to societies constructed around some guiding principle or being: the dragonbound, dragoncult, godbound, and steamforged cultures. By Peter N Martin.
Curious Creatures 2: Additional Endemic Life
Amidst the minotaurs, mephits, and manticores, it can be easy to forget that a campaign setting is also full of far less aggressive creatures, many of whom are just going about their day when an adventuring party discovers them. This article details a subset of such creatures known as endemic life, meant to add interest, flavor, and whimsy to encounters, exploration challenges, and more. By Jessy Mullins
House Faeries: The Gluttonous Nisse
Fey creatures can be found in every corner of the world, from the deepest oceans to the tallest mountains. Their presence isn’t just limited to the wilds—many dwell unseen among us. Collectively called house fairies, they tend to our chores and watch after our young, asking only for a place to stay and food to eat. But beware, a house fairy scorned is a miserable, violent thing. Three of the most common varieties of such fey are today’s subject, the family-friendly nisses. By Jagger A Dillon
Cover art by Julio Rocha