Conan Exiles has opened up Chapter 2 of the Age of Sorcery. The first major update since the overhaul adds new content, like the new Headhunting feature, a new Witch Hunt encounter, new challenges, and opens a new Battle Pass season. Funcom has also announced new Twitch Drops starting today.
While this update isn’t as transformative as the first entry into the Age of Sorcery, there’s plenty to spend some time on here. The new Headhunting feature is directly tied into the rise of sorcery and its effect on the world, and lets you pick up bounty contracts when you find the camps of Khitan Headhunters. Once you’ve got the mark, you can find sorcerer NPCs and bring them in dead or alive for rewards. Depending on how you bring them in, the reward types change, and bringing them in alive might net you a new armor set.
The Witch Hunt encounter is another new feature that lets you encounter more of those NPC sorcerers out in the world. These are essentially world bosses. If you find them out there, in the Exiled Lands or Isle of Siptah, you have a chance to defeat them in battle. There are four of these boss level sorcerers and you can’t take them alive but you can bring their skulls back to the Headhunter camps for huge rewards.
Outside of hunting, there are a number of new cosmetics, both paid and as rewards from all levels of the Battle Pass. Newly added items include pets, building sets, and new weapon looks.
Funcom has also announced that Twitch Drops will run from today through January 3rd. There are three items you can get your hands on by watching Conan Exiles content with your linked account. Two of the items will be wall ornaments and the third will be a new pet, the Crested Lapdog.
For more on the update, head over to Conan Exiles.