Hearthstone’s Murder at Castle Nathria takes players to the Shadowlands to solve a murder in the next expansion of Blizzard online card game.
The upcoming expansion will hit devices on August 2nd, bringing with it 135 new cards to collect. Set in World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands, a dastardly plot has seen the murder of Sire Denathrius. However, the intrepid detective Murloc Holmes has taken the case. Players will be getting in on the action as well to help Murloc Holmes and his sidekick, Watfin, to solve the Murder at Castle Nathria.
With Nathria’s release, players will interact with a new card type: Location cards. Via the official announcement:
“Castle Nathria is like no place Hearthstone has ever been before. Explore the castle grounds through the all-new Location card type! Locations are played onto the battlefield for an initial cost, and then have an ability that can be activated for free on your turns, each time for a powerful effect. Each activation costs 1 Durability and has a 1-turn Cooldown. Every class gets their own Location card in Castle Nathria which represents where they claim their suspect was at the time of the murder, and synergizes with the themes of the class.”
Additionally, a new keyword, Infuse, is being added to the card game. Cards with the keyword will let players absorb anima from friendly minions as they die to make the cards in your hand stronger. Additionally, what’s a murder mystery without suspects? Ten suspects are being added, one for each class, to act as a suspect in the murder. It’s up to players to help solve the mystery.
You can check out the full news on the official Hearthstone announcement. Mystery at Castle Nathria releases on August 2nd on PC and mobile devices.