This interview is part of a series introducing our EN World Columnists. First up, Charles Dunwoody!
Michael Tresca (MT): Tell us a little about who you are and what you do (be sure to link to your column!)
Charles Dunwoody (CD): I’m a freelance writer. I cover the weekly RPG Print News and continue to cover only recently published table top RPGs traditionally printed that are available from game stores (and from publisher websites). I don’t cover PDF, POD, or Kickstarter only RPGs. I cover not just new releases but also the occasional deal or classic title that is back in print. I normally cover print RPGs but sometimes add dice and dice bags, other accessories like GM screens, miniatures and battle maps, and other items if they relate to table top RPGs.
MT: What’s next for your column?
CD: I’ve already made changes to RPG Print News to improve it. Specifically, I have also started linking directly to publisher websites on occasion to get the latest books listed and cover some deals.
MT: Are there any interviews or product reviews you’re looking forward to covering?
CD: In the past, I’ve covered the basics in an interview about an RPG: rules, setting, etc. I want to change that up this year and provide a link to the basic information (a publisher website with details on the RPG for example). Then use the interview to dive into much deeper questions like: how the product came to be, how the writer intends it to be used, where their focus was during writing, how they choose the theme(s) and tone, and details about the game design process itself. I want to go back and interview previous authors (and the rare artist) again in a more in depth way as well, while also covering their newest work. In addition, continued coverage for Joyful GMing. I have lots of ideas: forming a new group, building a four hour session, how to end a campaign without fizzling out, how to combat fatigue and burn out and blocks, running a convention game, and home conventions (Charlie Con 7 is tentatively scheduled for fall 2024).
MT: What games are you planning to play this year?
CD: I GM Leagues of Gothic Horror every other week and I plan to kick off a new Troika! campaign when that campaign wraps up in a few months. Charlie Con 7 is tentatively planned for the fall and I’ll GM Swords & Wizardry and run the Northlands adventure series as well as play Settlers of Catan and maybe Talisman. I also run the card game Bang! for my non-gamer friends and will likely start that up on a monthly basis again.
MT: If your work is published anywhere else, where can we find you?
CD: I also write a monthly column for Geek Native covering world building. This year I’m covering Troika! (British science-fantasy RPG of worlds hung across a hump-backed sky and reachable by golden-sailed barge). Troika! (interview and review) has just enough setting details to get started, a great ruleset, and continuing adventure and monster support. It is perfect for expanding into a more detailed setting. I’d like to do a second more in depth interview as well on EN World.
MT: What is your relevant social media and where can fans follow you?
CD: You can follow me on EN World, Geek Native, and Facebook
MT: Anything else you’d like to add?
CD: I’d like to thank you, my editor, and Russ, my publisher, at EN World and my editor and publisher Andrew at Geek Native. My editors help keep me from making any crazy mistakes, encourage me to improve my writing, and do the work to actually get my words into electronic print. My publishers provide me a platform for my writing and pay me promptly and as promised, all of which I really appreciate. Thank you! If anyone enjoys reading the work at these websites, you might choose to support the EN World Patreon and/or the Geek Native Patreon. Over the years I have written freelance for the following RPG companies. One work will never see print and a few have yet to be published, but the people at these companies treated me well and paid me as promised. Thanks Paizo, Mongoose Publishing, Galileo Games, Goodman Games, and Chaosium. To my fellow gamers, if there are any topics you’d like to see covered by EN World freelancers and/or you’d have suggestions, comments, or feedback on any of my writing please post and let me know. Anything I can’t cover I’ll pass along as possible ideas to Mike and the other freelancers. Have a great 2024 and game on!