Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.
Freebies and Pay What You Want
Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!
Venture released the Beast Soul Druid Class Archetype for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. This Druid archetype forgoes some of the spellcasting abilities of the Druid to deepen their connection to their wildshape forms with more choices for forms, the ability to stay shapeshifted overnight, and wildshape abilities from first level.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.00)
Mind’s Vision has The Legacy of Cthulhu: A Place to Call Home, a quickstart for their post-apocalyptic Lovecraftian horror game where you’re not trying to prevent the Old Ones from returning…because they already have.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.00)
Farsight Games has a new entry in the growing Greek Mythological Age genre of RPGs with Heroes, Gods & Monsters. Set in the mythic version of Mycenaean Greece in the era of Perseus, Jason, Theseus, Achilles, Odysseus, and others, this system places all of the dice rolls in the hands of the players for a story-driven narrative game.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)
If you think MÖRK BORG combat could use some speeding up, Urizenic released /hack, a new set of combat rules that has all attacks hit with the severity of the hit left up to the dice along with a new crit/fumble rules interacting with updated weapons and armor.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
Old School Role Playing posted Expedition to Darkfell Keep, an adventure for Swords & Wizardry or other OSR game systems. Orcs and goblins have been spotted in the Darkfell Forest in numbers with raids steadily increasing, raising fears that the Darkfell Keep is populated once again waiting for heroes to tackle the forces of evil.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $3.00)
If you want more options for your 5e games, ForeverGM Products has a 144-page sourcebook The GM’s Box of Duct Tape featuring new monsters, character subclasses, prestige classes, magic items, optional rules, and other tools to expand your 5e games.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $15.00)
Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Zakariah posted Witch’s Hat of Rope Trick, a magic item that not only looks rustically stylish but provides a safe and cozy hideaway from danger. Granny Weatherwax would approve.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.00)
Looking to add more depth to combat, Benjamin Campbell released Revised Creature Weaknesses which adds rules for weaknesses that matter to monsters and rules for searching out those weaknesses so the party can exploit them.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.23)
On Storytellers Vault, Shon Torres released Septs of the Pacific Northwest: Sept on the Hill, a premade group of Bone Gnawer werewolves in Tacoma (though they can be relocated elsewhere) ready to drop into your chronicle.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.00)
And if you’re looking to create your own city for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition, 2209A has a new city worksheet with 28 pages to detail the political power structure, neighborhoods, domains, zones, and other points of interests.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.50)
And back to DMs Guild a few days late for April Fools, we do have an amazing April Fools product from Henry Evenhouse: DM Excuse Sheet. This one-page document gives you all the excuse you need for any decisions or choices made as DM inspired by Ron Swanson.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.50)
This is a first, there were enough plans for 3D printable terrain and minis to justify their own rapid-fire round. All of these STL files are either free or pay what you want with the suggested price in brackets.
And has become normal, our regular collection of new classes and/or subclasses for 5e. As always, all are free or pay what you want with the suggested price in brackets.
Bundles and Sales
Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.
We have two digital sales ending today! D&D Beyond is running a sale on D&D Essentials including the Player’s Handbook and Essentials Kit Bundle with more limited-time bundles on Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (until April 4) and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (April 5-9) plus discounts on digital dice and digital+physical bundles.
- Price: 40% off products listed above, up to 40% off on other digital products excluding Keys from the Golden Vault and Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
- End Date: April 9, 2023 TODAY!
While the D&D Beyond sale is very obviously attempting to cash in on the publicity surrounding the D&D movie without saying so, Roll20’s sale has no issues with admitting the connection with their D&D Movie Sale featuring discounts on several products and bundles including the Player’s Handbook, Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Tales from the Yawning Portal, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and dozens more products.
- Price: Up to 40% off
- End Date: April 9, 2023 TODAY!
Animated Dungeon Maps has a bundle of, well, animated dungeon maps. Well, and some overland maps. These maps are in .mp4 video format that can be used with most VTTs with maps for prison cells, sea water, sewer smuggler’s den, and village houses for an alchemist and a mason plus a tavern. You can also upgrade the set to full 4K resolution.
- Price: $25.76 (35% off) for HD, $39.32 (34% off) for 4K
And if you want static maps, C Vandal has a bundle of four sets four maps each (for 16 total maps) featuring volcanos, swamps, deserts, and shorelines.
- Price: $5.60 (30% off)
As a Cajun, I couldn’t pass up talking about The Bayou Bundle from Chaosium. This bundle of six adventures for Call of Cthulhu are split between 1990s and 1920s Jazz Era New Orleans and surrounding areas in Louisiana for a cosmically horrific time I guar-an-tee!
- Price: $9.20 (28% off)
Charity Bundles and Sales
Bundle of Holding has a bundle of third-party books for the doom-metal RPG Mörk Borg. The Starter Collection has the rules for Cthork Borg plus five supplements, the multi-session adventure Galenbeck: Sacrifice, Phil Reed’s micro-hexcrawl Curic’s Cursed Chapbook, and the sourcebook Dire Mutterings with an adventure, drop-in encounters, new classes, new rules, and more. The Bonus Collection adds on three more sourcebooks, five more Cthork Borg investigations, the adventure collection A Wizard’s Dying Wish, and the K9 sourcebook for “the goodest boys in the baddest times”, BORK BORG.
- Price: $14.95 (75% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
- End Date: April 24, 2023
- Charity: Direct Relief (10%)
Independence Games has the Clement Sector 3E Bundle, a space opera RPG using the Cepheus Engine based on the first edition of Traveller. The starter collection includes the core rulebook, the Diverse Roles player sourcebook with new career tracks, the setting book Unmerciful Frontier, and four ship guides while the Bonus Collection adds on one sourcebook for starports, three for subsector settings, and five for new character backgrounds.
- Price: $17.95 (79% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
- End Date: April 17, 2023
- Charity: Brain Aneurysm Foundation (10%)
Of course, you’ll need some space-based battlemaps to go along with that new game or any other sci-fi RPG. This bundle features VTT-ready battlemaps with five sets on space stations, four sets on spacecraft, and one set on the Locus Alien Megastructure with the Planetside Collection adding on nine desert planet map sets and six more sets featuring the sights of strange alien worlds. Be warned, they aren’t lying when they say “high quality” maps as the total bundle size is 23 gigabytes!
- Price: $14.95 (79% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
- End Date: April 17, 2023
- Charity: Direct Relief (10%)
Goodman Games has a collection of books for Dungeons & Dragons 4e. No that wasn’t a typo, this bundle includes Fourth Edition adventures, character options, adventures, rituals, and more.
- Price: $17.95 (79% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
- End Date: April 10, 2023
- Charity: San Francisco-Marin Food Bank (10%)
Over on Humble Bundle, Pelgrane Press collected a library of works for their fantasy game with the 13th Age RPG Megabundle. The base level features the 13th Age Quick Start Rules, a map of the Dragon Empire, and the short adventure Make Your Own Luck. The mid-tier adds on the Eyes of the Stone Thief adventure along with the 5e version plus collections of new monsters, adventures, characters, and treasure. The top tier of the bundle is a full collection of 28 total products including the 13th Age Roleplaying Game core rulebook with several more adventures, two Bestiary books, map folios, new character options, more treasure, a soundtrack, and a lot more.
- Price: $1/$10/$18 (96% off at top tier)
- End Date: April 27, 2023
- Charity: Oceana (user-defined, default 5%)
IDW has a collection of its licensed Dungeons & Dragons comic books and graphic novels. The top tier includes 29 collections featuring adaptations of the Dragonlance and Drizzt Do’Urden novels along with original stories featuring Minsc and Boo from award-winning creators like Jim Zub, John Rogers, Jeff Grubb, Andrea Di Vita, Tess Fowler and fan-favorite D&D creators like Ed Greenwood, R.A. Salvatore, Margaret Weis, and Tracy Hickman.
- Price: $1/$10/$18 (94% off at top tier)
- End Date: April 19, 2023
- Charity: Hasbro Foundation (user-defined, default 5%)
The Intro to Virtual Tabletop Roleplaying bundle features a collection of tools and assets for the One More Multiverse virtual tabletop. With an aesthetic inspired by retro video games, One More Multiverse sets itself apart from other VTT software featuring more than 2500 free pixelart assets you can use in your game for free, while this bundle adds one more options with a bundle of 25 animated monsters and rules and custom assets for Blades in the Dark (including character creator and portrait generator, Yazeba’s Online (from the creators of Wanderhome), and the 5e based Humblewood. You can check out the One More Multiverse VTT which allows you to make, play, share, and stream for free at this link.
- Price: $1/$25 (70% off at top tier)
- End Date: April 19, 2023
- Charity: The Trevor Project (user-defined, default 5%)
3D printer owners have a goldmine with the Dungeons and Monsters 2 3D Printable Asset Bundle with a huge collection of ready-to-print files for terrain, dungeon walls/floors, monsters, accessories, decorations, PCs/NPCs, full buildings, and a lot more
- Price: $1/$10/$25 (98% off at top-tier)
- End Date: April 10, 2023 TOMORROW!
- Charity: Direct Relief and Make-a-Wish (user-defined, default 5%)
The Warhammer 40,000 Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, and Only War bundle is back featuring at the top tier a total of 46 titles including the core rulebooks for all three games (including the second edition for Dark Heresy as well) plus sourcebooks, adventures, accessories, gameplay aids, and more.
- Price $1/$15/$25 (97% off at top tier)
- End Date: April 13, 2023
- Charity: Children’s Health Ireland (user-defined, default 5%)
The Maps Bonanza Bundle is back on Humble Bundle as well with a selection of tabletop RPG mapping software. There are four levels, the first featuring Modern Mapper and Age of Exploration for overland world maps for different time periods along with Dungeons & Floorplans for tactical scale maps. The second level adds on a one-year license for Campaign Cartographer 3+ and the sci-fi version Cosmographer 3 plus the add-ons Symbols: Cities of Schley and Source Maps: Cities. The third tier adds Fantasy World Mapper, Fantasy City Mapper, Science Fiction Mapper, and Age of Cthulhu. Finally, the top tier adds on a lifetime license for Campaign Cartographer 3+ (replacing the one-year license), Fractal Terrains 3+, and the resource bundles World Builder’s Compendium and Dungeons of Schley Symbol Set 4.
- Price: $1/$25/variable/$30 (93% off at top tier)
- End Date: April 18, 2023
- Charity: Carbonfund.org Foundation and Oceana (user-defined, default 5%)
That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Mastodon, or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.