It’s that time again. The time when Guild Wars 2 introduces the new combat and balance changes that are headed to the game soon. As the wheel turns we’ll find new meta builds, nerfed skills and plenty of cheers and jeers in what appears to be some substantial changes for all classes in all game modes!
August is a big month for balancing in Guild Wars 2. If you’ve missed out on the August 2nd update preview, the team listed numerous professions changes to all classes, with aims to bring balance to certain builds like the Chronomancer, and attempting to revitalize some less popular skills like the Banners for Warriors. Of course, while the changes were expansive, they just weren’t enough and the team slotted in this second set of skill and balance changes for the 23rd.
In the new update, players will see some changes to boons to accentuate the cooperation between players in group events. They’ve also specifically looked at meta builds and attempted to bring a wider array of build changes up to snuff so that there are more viable options for both power and condition-damage based builds. They’ve also nerfed a few builds in order to make way for more support diversity among classes. The Firebrand and Mechanist have both been staples for group support, and the team wants to balance these support roles so that the Tempest and Druid can be competitive in support situations.
The long list of changes are far too expansive to list here, but they can be viewed in the balance update preview post on the official forums. If you haven’t logged in for a while and you’re interested in checking out the new expansion, End of Dragons, then you definitely need to head on over to our review and see what you’re missing!