Are you wondering when Amazon Game Studios (AGS) will get around to fixing some of those New World bugs you’ve been experiencing? You may just be in luck, as AGS has been hard at work squashing bugs in the February update, which intends to fix over 100 issues. Is your most annoying bug on the list?
It’s pretty obvious that New World could have seen a better launch. Between server woes that led to a quick expansion of regional assets, to combat bugs that made some players invulnerable, players have contended with numerous bugs for several months. In some cases, even when a new fix rolled out, it would sometimes break something else that had previously been working, which resulted in additional fixes to patch the initial remedy. Earlier this week we reported that AGS led their February development team update in which they were determined to balance the game and fix a ton of bugs by the end of the month. In the next update, which goes live February 28th, 2022, the bug fixes and balancing will touch just about every facet of the game.
The facets of gameplay that will see fixes are:
- World Experience
- General AI
- Expedition AI
- Mutators
- General Combat (All weapons)
- War & Invasions
- Outpost Rush
- Quests
- Economy and Progression Rewards
- UI, UX & Social
- End Game
- Aptitude Leveling
- Fast Travel
- General Server
Within each of these facets of gameplay are another dozen of listed fixes, and it’s far too much to post here, so definitely check them out on the official post. Amazon Game Studios has also stated that in the February update video, they noted that they would be reducing the logging XP needed to level up, but it turns out that it will not make it on the February 28th patch after all and will instead be pushed to a weekly update further down the line. Are you still playing New World? If you left due to bugs, will this patch bring you back? Let us know in the comments.