Albion Online is getting its major Into the Fray update next week on June 8th, and there’s one additional devblog before those updates begin rolling out. This time, Game Director Robin Henkys gives a full rundown of the castle reworks and the new dynamic events system.
When it comes to castles, which have been in the game since early alpha, the 5th anniversary seems like a good time to overhaul castles in order to add some new features, a graphical overhaul, and other ways to have the castle system integrate with some of the other features they added over the past year.
The reworked and new graphics include new gates, destruction events, and Interiors, there will also be new layouts available that will let you strategize and vary your tactics. There will be two different layouts depending on biome and so you’ll have multiple fronts. You will be able to use demolition hammers directly from your inventory like other tools and capture mechanics will change to be similar to faction outposts.
With all of these changes, the way rewards work will also be updated. Instead of scoring season points castles and outposts will have a chance to spawn chests. Inside these chests will be Might that adds to your guild’s total, but having it work this way will also give smaller guilds a better chance to earn.
The dynamic events system will also work to continue encouraging players to explore and search for better rewards. The first two systems that will be listed on the new activities UI for these timed activities include activity events, and daily production bonuses.
Activity events are things like temporary bonuses for existing activities like extra loot in Hell Gates or extra Fame in randomized dungeons, or a bonus 2 faction points. These bonuses will rotate and each one will last for several days to let players take advantage. When a switch will happen the next bonus will be detailed 24 hours in advance on this you I.
Daily production bonuses are just what they sound like. These will be moderate bonuses to two different item or resource lines for that day. this system will also reward Crafters who diversify their capabilities and add some extra Market fluctuation potential for Traders.
To read the full preview head to Albion Online.