The developers of Profane have released a video looking back on the August and September development process, showing how the sandbox MMORPG is coming along. While Profane has been in development for some time now, and has had some alpha tests, the game continues growing and changing as the developers add new places to explore, and affect the world in the upcoming single-shard sandbox.
The video shows off a number of things, from animation tests to new gear, effects and environment tests, and more. From the video, we can see the progress being made in creating the world and elements we can expect in it. Showing animations, a character running through grass looks pretty smooth, even in this still-early state. While unfinished and concepts still have a long way to go, the team’s updates look promising.
There are also some peeks at new area concepts, including a tropical region known as Cenote of Semisus, some wet surface testing featuring a shoreline, and concept for some ruins to explore. What it amounts to is a lot of different progress being made on the game, which the developers at Insane promise will be a world, featuring many MMORPG features you know and love, but that, as a sandbox, the emphasis on world is very important. The developers have made it clear that they want Profane to be a welcoming game, one which lets the more casual and even solo players feel that they belong and can participate, not just those who can acquire the best gear and be in demand for high level PvP.
While the unfinished animations are definitely a work in progress, the video and the development updates do show the game’s development, and Profane could be one to watch. To find out more, check out the Profane site, and this overview by the game’s Community Manager.