The latest World of Warcraft update, 9.1.5, is live on the PTR and the update brings new character customization options, new quests, weather effects, balance changes for classes, and greater flexibility.
Additionally, there are some more quality of life oriented changes that square with player requests for greater flexibility. Among changes like these are opening up the Legion class mount quests on the Broken Shore to all of an account’s characters if one character has gotten the Breaching the Tomb achievement. Players with at least one level 60 character can now skip the introductory Shadowlands questline in the Maw. More fast travel options are in too, from Ve’nari’s Refuge to Perdition Hold, and to Desmotaeron. Lower level PVP gear will also scale to a higher level in more PVP situations, letting new players or even just new characters not feel like they’re just getting left behind. A series of new PVP titles and item ranks will also narrow the gaps.
There are also many UI and accessibility updates and changes, including new filters, new text to speech settings, a reworked item upgrade UI, and easier group finder settings. For those who want better community accountability, those who report misbehavior will receive updates if their report results in action. With a game as huge and as old as WoW, sometimes it can be daunting to join in, but these changes seem to make doing just that easier and more positive.
Some items in the PTR update notes are still not implemented but the promise is that they will be in a later build. This includes a new rank of heirloom gear and changes to heirloom gear usage requirements.
This is a very big update, full of requested changes and additional overhauls that should wind up making the game more welcoming and fun for both anyone who might join now and the loyal community base. Even though a lot of the changes are more mechanical, the result seems to favor greater openness to both newbies and making even more alts without the experience dragging. For more on the full update details, check out the official patch notes.