Blizzard has shared details for the opening of the Embers of Neltharion PTR, which is rolling out access. The test will feature much of the upcoming content rolling out over time to help the developers polish it up. One of the features included in this test is cross-faction guild invites.
When it comes to cross-faction guilds, many of the changes that Blizzard has been making over time, including cross-faction instances, grouping, and even more cross-realm play, Have been leading up to this point. While some might still want to play aligned with a single faction, Provide some new options for those who want them.
This feature is currently aimed for the Embers of Neltharion update, but if more work is needed and issues arise during the public testing period, it is possible to see a delay. However, they’re opening this up on the PTR in a work in progress version so that they can try and work out as many of those issues as possible and not have to do that. This will give the team as long a testing period as possible to work everything out.
It is a big change, but it follows the throughline of those other changes, like cross-faction instances. Some more insight on how things will work are included in the notes. Of course, everything is subject to change as they shape the feature.
“Guilds are still affiliated with either the Horde or the Alliance, depending on the faction of the guild leader. Guild achievements and guild vendors, for example, will still reflect the guild’s primary faction. Opposite faction members may benefit from unlocked shared perks but may be unable to contribute to certain achievements (e.g. we would not expect Alliance members of a Horde guild to be able to contribute progress towards the “Alliance Slayer” guild achievement).”
There are more details and warnings on the early nature of this feature testing. You can read all the notes over at World of Warcraft.