Lost Ark is getting Event Guardians back for bonuses, and the Pet Ranch will arrive to give you another way to spend your time, earning rewards and helping your pets level up, unlock new abilities, and grow. Plus, the summer festival continues in a new phase, all in the new Under the Arkesian Sun update, which arrives tomorrow at 12AM PT/7AM UTC.
This is the second update in August, under the revised update schedule for August and September and features the return of Event Guardians. The Event Guardians are a twist on Guardian Raids, where you can hunt three Guardians in an arena with the Scale of Balance applied to make sure you are appropriately leveled and skilled for the fight.
When attacking the Event Guardians, which you can do solo or in a group, they will drop buffs that will stack up to three times and increase your damage output by a lot, leading you to be able to have a chance at taking down all three Guardians. If you succeed, you’ll get a reward chest with items and tokens. You will be able to trade those tokens at an event vendor for additional rewards each week.
The Pet Ranch is a new location in the Stronghold. You can let your pets play there, grow, and help you earn rewards. Your pets can help create a new currency, Jam Cookies, that you can trade for Pet Growth Tokens. You will be able to upgrade your pets to Legendary here by increasing their Pet Expertise. Once your pet reaches legendary, they will get a random skill and one of 3 effects from that skill will apply to you while you are in combat.
This week also has some new cosmetics in the shop, a brand new pet, the shiba inu, and new decorations for the Racetrack Stronghold. This update also introduces a 25% discount on paid Powerpasses in the store, which have now been re-enabled. This discount will run through September 7th. There’s also a new daily log in reward track.
Read the full update details over at Lost Ark.