There’s a new trailer out for the upcoming alpha test for Mad World. The trailer shows some of the progress Jandisoft has made with the game, with combat, bosses, and some of the world and quests.
There is going to be a full story with this MMO, so the trailer even gives us a little peek at what some of that part of the adventure might look like through a worried looking character and creepy monsters. Two hands reaching for each other and grasping before the scene transitions to a shrieking creature.
Of course, there’s something reassuring about having a good friend by your side, so our protagonist of focus here summons his wolf mount to his side. But there are two tones at work in the description and promotion for Mad World so far. A dangerous and cruel world destroyed and sent into a dark age of monsters and cold reality, and the existence of hope. The trailer does give a taste of both sides of this for sure. The official English description calls it “the epic story of characters looking for a small hope in the world filled with despair”.
Alpha 5.0 for Mad World is set to begin on February 23rd and will run through the 27th. The team has promised more reveals in the weeke heading into the alpha test, but if this trailer is anything to go by, the game seems to be coming together to tell the tale and send the player into the world it’s trying to build.
You can sign up for the alpha test over at the Mad World site. When you sign up on the homepage, you’ll register for the alpha as well. If you’ve already played in a previous alpha, you’ll have access when the new test begins.