Lost Ark’s first anniversary is here, and the team has a ton of stats to share from the first year of Western release, as well as more details on two claimable Twitch Drops.
The anniversary comes with a new infographic showing a number of significant stats for the first year. Total player deaths? That number is 1,672,050,487. How many Mokoko Seeds has everyone collected? 734,653,166. And the number of PVP matches? 16,294,441. But what about the total PvP kills during all of those millions of matches? 192,894,473.
The stats continue showing the impact over the past year, including the number of Abyssal Dungeon clears, and a number of community related stats. There have been 786,705 guilds made, and over 6,905,631 hours watched on Twitch. The most lethal Guardian? Night Fox Yoho. Brelshaza was added only recently, but the K/D ratio for her is 55.87. Goals for the second year in Arkesia, perhaps?
It can be fun to look back at the numbers, especially if you’ve been playing for all or much of this past year. Maybe seeing these kinds of infographics brings back memories of your favorite–or worst–PvP experiences.
There are other ways that the team is celebrating. To start, there are the previously announced events, including one where you will find birthday cards through playing the game and trade those in for rewards. The other big anniversary event is one where you wield giant rubber duckie hammers and try to take down the other team’s defenses (including a rubber ducky shield and the basket that holds their supply of rubber ducks).
There’s also the 1st Anniversary Twitch Drops. There are two drops to get, each by watching a total of at least 4 hours from participating Lost Ark streamers. The first drop will get you the First Anniversary Headband Selection chest and 1,000 amethyst shards. The second drop you can claim after watching an additional 4 hours of streams for the Traditional Punkian Clothing Selection Chest.
Read more about the drops and where to watch over at Lost Ark.