With Shadowlands Season 4 coming on August 2nd, World of Warcraft has a little something to sweeten the leveling experience for characters level 10-59, a +50% XP bonus.
That bonus comes in the form of a 50% special experience bonus buff, Winds of Wisdom. Just log in and the buff will be available for any (non-Classic) characters between levels 10-59 to get them powered up. This also comes just as the game’s weekly bonus event has changed over to World Quests.
The series of quests will take place all over Shadowlands. These quests will be available through the various regions of shadowlands and you’ll be able to melt over and find out what tasks are needed to complete a quest, what rewards you’ll get for completion, and how much time you have left to complete that quest.
There’s also a quest available throughout the week:
Caretaker Kah-Toll in Oribos has a quest for you—The World Awaits. You can also start the quest from within the Adventure Guide (Shift-J).
Quest requirement: Complete 20 World Quests in the Shadowlands
Reward: Choice of one of four Covenant Commendations worth 500 Reputation and 3 Multi-Modal Anima Containers each worth 250 stored Anima for your Covenant Reservoir.
Passive buff: +50% to Reputation gains from World Quests
The bonuses from this quest and the other world quests available over the next week could make a solid companion effort to leveling up with the Winds of Wisdom bonus active.
Winds of Wisdom will be available until Shadowlands Season 4 begins. Should you level up a character and that character hits 60 with the buff active, it will disappear. With a new season coming that will also formally close out Shadowlands and look ahead to the arrival of Dragonflight later this year, maybe going out with some bonuses is a good start.