It’s been a bit since there was an update for Zenith: The Last City, but Ramen VR is preparing for its next update, considered a minor patch 1.2.1, Winter Festival.
Currently up for testing on the PTR, The full update is set to be released around the 21st or 22nd of December. The winter festival world event will start when the patch is live and it will only be around for three weeks, so if you want to complete anything in the event you have a limited time to do so.
The update will also bring the Winter Festival Agent ranking challenge, where you can earn Winter Coins, toys, and a number of rewards. Winter Coins are the latest event currency that you will be able to trade for new toys, recipes, cosmetic winter headwear themed after the pandowl, and even a new pet, the Frosted Stripetail. The toys you can get are presents with random rewards, and you can even throw snowballs and build snow friends.
As you fast travel around the map you’ll be able to see the decorations all around and also winter spirits around the zones. While some other games have had similar winter features and events, doing this in VR will be something different.
There will also be a Winter Festival chained public event where you can summon and defeat Faminus, the Hunger. Other content in this update includes several new pets: the Stripetail Cub, Dazzling Stripetail, and Royal Scarab, and improvements to the new player experience.
Those experience changes include lowering overall difficulty in the Blossom Village area and updating the first Fractured Plains quest to not require gliding. Another change is controller-oriented locomotion as an option so that it will use the direction of your hand rather than your head to smooth out locomotion experiences. There will also be something to help swap the stick inputs for left-handed users, a feature that has been requested in Zenith.
Read the full patch details at Zenith: The Last City.